We provide property intelligence and digital media solutions

Arts & Entertainment

Discover the arts, entertainment, and recreation sector in an unprecedented way with immersive 3D virtual tours that allow you to explore, engage, and experience each aspect like never before.

Invite your visitors to delve into captivating exhibitions, thrilling performances, and breathtaking landscapes from the comfort of their screens while redefining the way you explore and engage with cultural experiences, offering unprecedented access to the wonders of the world.

Experience cultural immersion and global access through innovative virtual tours that revolutionize the way you engage with art, entertainment, and heritage sites.
Enhanced Engagement
Worldwide Reach
Cultural Heritage
Unlock educational opportunities and broaden horizons through immersive virtual experiences that are accessible to everyone.
Educational Opportunities
Universal Access
Innovative Research

Increase in revenue with special exhibitions or behind-the-scenes tours as they can be offered as exclusiv content.


More accessibility, allowing a global audience to explore without limitations, thereby expanding the visitor base.


Using 3D can increase viewer engagement by up to 300% across platforms by enabling users to explore remotely.

case study

Discover the world

With Nextview


The Future

At Your Fingertips

Interactive Learning

Through interactive quizzes, simulations, and virtual experiments, learners can deepen their understanding of various subjects.

Community Engagement

Users can interact with each other in virtual environments to enrich their cultural and educational experiences.

Marketing and Promotion

Enhance the venue's visibility and reach by providing sneak peeks of upcoming exhibitions, performances and attractions.




Booking Portals

Extend the reach of your art, entertainment, and recreational spaces by distributing your 3D model across prominent booking platforms. Seamlessly integrate your virtual tours to maximize visibility and engagement, allowing a wider audience to explore and experience your venue from anywhere.

Google Street View

Seamlessly integrate your 3D tours with Google Street View to offer a comprehensive neighborhood experience for art, entertainment, and recreational spaces. By blending virtual tours with real-world surroundings, you enhance engagement and provide potential visitors with a complete view of the area. This integration increases listing visibility and attracts a broader audience to explore the venue's offerings.

Virtual Staging

Leverage cutting-edge technology to transform art, entertainment, and recreational spaces. Remove current furnishings to reveal the venue's adaptability, then customize the décor to suit diverse styles and design preferences. This innovative approach enhances the venue's versatility, creating an engaging environment for visitors to enjoy.

Video Tour

Entice guests to explore art, entertainment, and recreational venues through immersive video tours. Guide them through each area, highlighting key attractions and providing informative commentary via captivating voiceovers. This virtual experience allows visitors to envision the venue's full potential and unique offerings, all from the comfort of their device.

Drone Footage

Immerse visitors in breathtaking aerial shots that highlight the unique features and surroundings of the venue, providing a fresh perspective that enhances its presentation. From sprawling outdoor recreational areas to intricate architectural designs, share the allure of these spaces from a whole new vantage point.

Are you ready to join the future of the arts, entertainment, and recreation sector?

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