We provide property intelligence and digital media solutions


commercial REAL ESTATE
Gain insights to enhance management efficiency, streamline capital planning, reduce vacancy rates, and optimize business operations.

Digitize your entire commercial real estate portfolio with digital twins. These virtual replicas offer invaluable property insights, empowering you to optimize facility management, streamline capital planning, minimize vacancy rates, and transform every area of your business operations.

Gain comprehensive insights and simplify tasks for seamless facility management and remote operations.
Portfolio Insight
Task Simplification
Virtual Training
Enhance satisfaction and streamline processes with virtual tools for office spaces, sales, and project management.
Improved Experience
Accelerate Sales
Streamline Procedures

Increase in bookings, rentals, and sales by leveraging 3D virtual tours and high-quality photography and aerial shots.


Reduction in annual costs associated with site travel, offering substantial savings for property management.


Decrease in site surveying and as-built modeling costs, significantly reducing expenses in these areas.

case study

Discover the world

With Nextview


The Future

At Your Fingertips

Efficient Transactions

Simplify the process of leasing and selling properties to expedite transactions and lower marketing costs.

Portfolio Management

Improve operational efficiency and productivity in the workplace by optimizing portfolio management and space planning decisions.

Construction Monitoring

Ensure quality management and effective progress monitoring to save time and minimize risk during construction.




Online Platforms

Maximize exposure for your commercial spaces by sharing your 3D model across your top online platforms and booking portals. Seamlessly incorporate virtual tours to ensure widespread visibility and increased engagement among potential tenants and clients.

Google Street View

Blend virtual tours seamlessly with Google Street View to offer instant neighborhood context and elevate engagement for your commercial spaces. By integrating the virtual experience with real-world surroundings, you can enhance listing visibility and draw in more potential buyers, enticing them with immersive previews of the surrounding area.

Social Media

Boost your commercial property sales by leveraging immersive 3D tours, captivating visuals, and interactive features. Enhance exposure and draw in more potential buyers through strategic social media marketing, showcasing your property's unique features and amenities to a broader audience.

Virtual Staging

Transform your commercial property experience with an immersive showcase of its full potential. Utilize cutting-edge technology to visualize space without existing furnishings, allowing for endless possibilities and the flexibility to redecorate according to any desired style or design aesthetic.

Video Tour

Invite potential buyers to explore their future commercial space through an engaging property video walkthrough. Navigate them through each area, spotlighting notable features, and offering insightful commentary with captivating voiceovers. Experience the property's full potential firsthand, all from the convenience of their screen.

Drone Footage

Discover the property from a whole new perspective with stunning drone footage, offering breathtaking aerial views that highlight its unique features and surroundings. Experience an elevated presentation of the property like never before, showcasing its full commercial potential and setting a new standard in property viewing.

Are you ready to join the future of property management?

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We are always more than happy to help and assist you if you have any proejct requests or specific questions.