We provide property intelligence and digital media solutions


Travel & hospitality
Optimize occupancy rates and manage facilities remotely while adhering to schedules and budgets through the implementation of digital twins.

Reshape marketing and operations in the industry to unlock new levels of efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving market. Join us on this journey to redefine the future of travel and hospitality.

Enhance efficiency and increase occupancy rates with immersive 3D experiences, streamlined task monitoring, and simplified maintenance solutions.
Boost Bookings
Task Monitoring
Simplify Maintenance
Enhance onboarding, training, and project management through remote technologies, ensuring efficient collaboration and consistent standards across operations.
Immersive Training
Digital Compliance
Remote Collaboration

Increase in bookings, rentals, and sales by leveraging 3D virtual tours and high-quality photography and aerial shots.


Reduction in annual costs associated with site travel, offering substantial savings for property management.


Using 3D can increase viewer engagement by up to 300% across platforms by enabling customers to explore remotely.

case study

Discover the world

With Nextview


The Future

At Your Fingertips

Engagement Boost

Transform your properties into captivating experiences that drive up to 300% higher engagement from a global audience.

Remote Efficiency

Utilize remote access to reduce the need for on-site travel during property improvements, ensuring consistent customer experiences.

Streamlined Execution

Use 3D visualization to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget, while reducing the need for rework.




Booking Portals

Showcase your 3D models on leading travel and hospitality platforms and expand your reach to top booking portals. Seamlessly integrate your virtual tours to boost visibility and engagement among potential guests, passengers, and users.

Google Street View

Integrate your 3D tours with Google Street View to give potential customers immediate insight into the neighborhood, enhancing their engagement with your listings. Merge virtual experiences with real-world surroundings to boost visibility and attract more visitors in the travel and hospitality industry.

Social Media

Boost sales in the travel and hospitality industry by sharing immersive 3D tours, captivating visuals, and interactive features. Increase your property's exposure and attract more visitors by harnessing the power of social media marketing.

Virtual Staging

Enhance your travel and hospitality offerings by providing an immersive experience that highlights the true potential of your properties. Utilize innovative technology to digitally clear out existing furnishings, revealing the full possibilities of each space. This allows you to redecorate virtually in any desired style or design aesthetic, tailoring the experience to meet diverse guest preferences.

Video Tour

Offer potential guests a unique glimpse into their future accommodations with an immersive property video walkthrough. Guide them through each room, accentuating key features and delivering insightful commentary through a captivating voiceover. This approach allows visitors to fully experience the property's potential from the comfort of their screens, enhancing their engagement and interest.

Drone Footage

Elevate your travel and hospitality presentations with stunning drone footage, offering a bird's-eye view of your properties like never before. Capture breathtaking aerial shots that highlight the unique features and surroundings of each location from an entirely new perspective, dramatically enhancing the visual appeal and presentation of your properties.

Are you ready to join the future of travel and hospitality?

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We are always more than happy to help and assist you if you have any proejct requests or specific questions.