We provide property intelligence and digital media solutions


LUXURY industry
Captivate both buyers and sellers with meticulously detailed 3D digital twins showcasing luxury cars, yachts, jets, and other high-end assets, products and experiences.

Virtually showcase luxury vehicles, yachts, jets and more to enchant buyers and sellers with sophistication and craftsmanship. Allow your clients to experience the epitome of opulence as they explore your collection, meticulously crafted to captivate even the most discerning tastes.

Expand your market globally by allowing buyers to remotely explore assets, goods and experiences without geographical barriers.
Captivating Luxury
Global Access
Virtual Efficiency
Immerse buyers in captivating 3D tours for increased engagement, and interactive exploration that will lead to a stronger competitive edge.
Detailed Visualization
Increased Engagement
Competitive Advantage

In addition to speeding up sales, assets with virtual tours have shown to close at sale prices 4 to 9% higher.


Luxury assets listed with 3D virtual tours tend to sell up to 31% faster than those that are showcased without.


3D virtual tours have shown to enhance engagement for luxury asset listings by up to 80% compared to normal listings.

case study

Discover the world

With Nextview


The Future

At Your Fingertips

Virtual Experience

Improve presentations by providing 3D virtual tours and high-definition content accessible to anyone, anytime, from anywhere.

Twin Maintenance

Digital twin maintenance strategies result in significant cost savings and extends the lifespan of luxury assets by up to 25%.

Tailored Portfolio

Secure long-term appreciation and marketability by aligning your portfolio with the client's lifestyle and preferences.




Luxury Platforms

Extend the reach of your luxury brand by showcasing your 3D model on prominent platforms such as James Edition, and seamlessly integrate virtual tours to ensure widespread visibility and engagement, elevating the appeal of your luxury offerings in the industry.

Google Street View

Augment your luxury offerings by merging 3D tours with Google Street View, providing instant neighborhood context and enhancing interaction. Blend the virtual experience seamlessly with real-world environments to amplify listing visibility and draw in a broader audience.

Social Media

Boost sales with captivating 3D tours, stunning visuals, and interactive elements in the luxury industry. Utilize social media marketing to amplify asset exposure and attract a wider pool of potential buyers.

Virtual Staging

Present an immersive showcase revealing the full potential of luxury assets. Utilize cutting-edge technology to clear existing furnishings, unveiling endless possibilities to redecorate according to desired styles or design aesthetics.

Video Tour

Allow buyers to step into their future luxury assets with an immersive video walkthroughs. Guide them through highlighting key features and providing insightful commentary with captivating voiceover to experience luxury from the comfort of their screen.

Drone Footage

Indulge in a bird's-eye view of luxury assets like never before with breathtaking drone footage. Capture stunning aerial shots that showcase unique features from an entirely fresh perspective, elevating asset presentation to unparalleled heights.

Are you ready to join the future of the luxury industry?

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We are always more than happy to help and assist you if you have any proejct requests or specific questions.